Bonus Features: Discussion Points

Post Act 1

  • Discuss important lines and moments from Act 1
  • Discuss parent-child relationships in Act 1
  • Is Lear a good ruler?
  • Why does Cordelia say nothing?

Post Act 2

  • How are Lear and Gloucester Similar?
  • Discuss important lines and moments from Act 2
  • Discuss parent-child relationships in Act 2
  • Is the sisters' behaviours justified?
  • Who are the truth tellers in King Lear? Why aren't they listened to ?

Post Act 3

  • How does costuming support character in this production?
  • Discuss the importance of the storm and what it signifies.
  • Discuss important lines and moments from Act 3
  • Discuss parent-child relationships in Act 3
  • Edgar and Kent adopt disguises for various reasons. Under what circumstances do you or would you adopt a disguise in your life?
  • Where does the Fool go?

Post Act 4

  • How do Lear and Gloucester's journeys connect and differ?
  • Discuss important lines and moments from Act 4
  • Discuss parent-child relationships in Act 4

Post Act 5

  • What role do women play in King Lear? How do the sisters ressemble their father and vice versa?
  • Talk about the absent female figures in King Lear (Mrs. Lear, Mrs. Gloucester, Mrs. Kent…) How might the play be different with them? Why does Shakespeare exclude them?
  • Is Lear a sympathetic character?
  • How do the issues present in King Lear reflect our society today?
  • Discuss loyalty in King Lear. How does it relate to our concept of loyalty today?
  • What function do Kent and Edgar's disguises serve in the play?
  • Discuss important themes in King Lear.
  • Discuss important lines and moments from Act 5
  • Who are the 'villains' in King Lear?
  • Will Edgar be a good ruler?
Melbar Entertainment Group The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit Ontario Media Development Corporation

Produced with the generous participation of:
Laura Dinner and Richard Rooney, The Jenkins Family Foundation, The Henry White Kinnear Foundation, Ophelia and Mike Lazaridis, Jim and Sandra Pitblado, The Slaight Family Foundation, Robert and Jacqueline Sperandio.