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Lazaridis Hall, Tom Patterson Theatre
Friday, July 4, 2025
10:30 a.m. to noon
Season Deep Dive Week

Join Festival artists and creatives for intimate conversations about the behind-the-scenes work that goes into developing the sensational theatre experiences enjoy by audiences throughout the season. 

Composers and Sound Designers for the Stage

Music is not just a core component for musicals. In plays, a cello underscore can evoke a sense of melancholy for a character, or a chorus of trumpets might announce an approaching royal entrance. From music to sound effects, the creative and technical work of composers and sound designers translates theatric works into multi-sensory experiences. Theatre enthusiasts will delight in hearing professionals Debashis Sinha (Sound Designer for Anne of Green Gables) and Verne Good (most recently Sound Designer for 2024's Twelfth Night) discuss their audio artistry, while they learn how the subtle tranquility of birds chirping off stage compared to the rattling a scene gets from a jackhammer thumping throughout it, is designed to contribute to overall storytelling. The conversation will be moderated by Director of the Meighen Forum, Julie Miles.

Support for The Meighen Forum is generously provided by Kelly & Michael Meighen and the T.R. Meighen Family Foundation.

Event Schedule

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