For selected performances, buy one regular-priced adult ticket and get your second ticket for a loonie ($1) for B and Bravo zone seating or a toonie ($2) for A zone seating.
1. Login to our website using promotion code 88769
2. Choose a performance from the listing below
3. Pick the "Adult" price type when selecting your seats
4. The discount will be applied after the 2nd ticket is added to your cart
5. Hit checkout and enjoy the show!
Our $4 handling fee and $2 facility fee apply only to the regular-priced adult tickets in your order.
Book today! Offer ends at 11:59 pm on July 2.
Bonus! Make your experience even more extraordinary with the Great American Songbook presented through a Canadian lens. In 'S Wonderful, Toronto's Art of Time Ensemble performs new arrangements of some of George and Ira Gershwin's most beloved tunes, featuring stars of the Canadian indie and musical-theatre scenes. July 6 at 2 pm at Avon Theatre. Learn more.